Eternal Serenity Hospice Llc

500 East Beaumont Suite B2, Mcallen
Texas, 78501

 956-213-8610   Maps & Directions
Eternal Serenity Hospice Llc is a hospice care center situated at Mcallen, Texas. This palliative care is medicare certified, hence if you are covered by medicare, medicare will pay the hospice for your care.Unique hospice identification number provided by medicare to this hospice care is 741650. Eternal Serenity Hospice Llc comes under the CMS regional office located at Dallas. This CMS regional office covers all hospices located in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas. Services provided at Eternal Serenity Hospice Llc mainly includes home health aide, counseling, medical social services, medical supply services, nursing services, occupational therapy, physician services, physical therapy, short term inpatient care, speech pathology services.
Eternal Serenity Hospice Llc provides special care for people who are terminally ill. This involves a team-oriented approach that addresses the medical, physical, social, emotional, and spiritual needs of the patient. Hospice also provides support to the patient’s family or caregiver.

Complete Hospice Profile:
type, unique identification code, ownership type, accreditation,short term inpatient care type, address, contact number, fax number and all other information is provided as below. Recipients can directly walkin or can call on the below given phone number for appointment.
Hospice ID (CCN) 741650
Hospice’s Ownership Type:For-Profit
Short-term inpatient care provided:Acute & Respite care
Accreditation Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC)
Hospice Address:500 East Beaumont Suite B2, Mcallen,
Texas, 78501
CMS Regional Office Dallas
Medicare Certification:
Medicare certification details of Eternal Serenity Hospice Llc with certification date, type, current status, certification provider, MAC, CBSA Code are stated below.
Medicare Certified:Yes
Medicare Certification Date:02 Jan, 2017
Current Status: Active Provider
Latest visit of the Health or LSC survey: 02 Jan, 2017
Status at the time of certification survey: In Compliance
Waiver of any life safety code: No
Latest Certification Type: Initial
Certificate Provider: Dallas CMS Regional Office
MAC Blue Cross (south Carolina)
CBSA Code 32580 (Urban)
Services Provided:
Services available at Eternal Serenity Hospice Llc are mentioned below along with the information that who will provide the service like whether it will be provided by hospice staff or will be arranged from any 3rd source or outer source.
Services AvailableProvided By
Home Health AideHospice Staff
CounselingHospice Staff
Medical Social ServicesHospice Staff
Medical Supply ServicesProvided under Arrangement
Nursing ServicesHospice Staff
Occupational TherapyProvided under Arrangement
Physician ServicesProvided under Arrangement
Physical TherapyProvided under Arrangement
Short Term Inpatient CareProvided under Arrangement
Speech Pathology ServicesProvided under Arrangement

Quality of Patient Care:
Quality of patient care is measured based on the survey done by the patients who received the hospice care, as well as the experiences of their informal primary caregivers. Main points included in the survey are treatment preferences, beliefs/values addressed (if desired by the patient), pain screening, pain assessment, dyspnea screening, dyspnea treatment,patients treated with an opioid who are given a bowel regimen.
Measure NameScore (in %)National Average
Treatment Preferences Not Available98.3
Beliefs/Values Addressed (if desired by the patient) Not Available93.6
Pain Screening Not Available93.9
Pain Assessment Not Available77.7
Dyspnea Screening Not Available97.3
Dyspnea Treatment Not Available94.6
Patients Treated with an Opioid who are Given a Bowel Regimen Not Available93.3
Employee Count:
Eternal Serenity Hospice Llc employee information is available below according to the service area, it is also divided among volunteer and employed count.
Services Employed CountVolunteer Count
Home Health Aide0.250
Counseling0.25 0
Medical Social Services0.50
Registered Nurses20
Practical/Vocational Nurses0.25 0
Patients can reach at 500 East Beaumont Suite B2, Mcallen, Texas or can call to book an appointment on 956-213-8610.

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